QAA Progress

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QAA Progress

1.      Introduction.

KBC was established on 2060 B.S on the principle of “cost recovery and quality education. The motto of the institution is "to the stars by hard ways…”.  The College was founded by educationists with the aim of providing quality education to the students of all sectors of the nation.

With the overwhelming demand of the society, KBC upgraded from class 12 to Bachelor’s Degree including  BASW in 2062 B.S., BSc CSIT in 2069 B.S, BBM and BCA in 2075 B.S and Master Degree, MBS in 2070 B.S. The College received letter of intent (LOI) to submit the self-study report (SSR) on 2070 BS to get involvement   in Higher Education Reform Project (HERP) of UGC. After receiving the Letter of Intent (LOI), different committees were formed to prepare SSR report and the report was duly submitted QAA division of UGC on 21 Chaitra 2073 BS. A visit team led by Prof. Dr. Hridya Ratna Bajracharya and Mr. Gopal Archarya observed the college   on 15 Magh 2075 BS. The team pointed out existing shortcomings prevailing at the college and recommended necessary actions to be taken to improve the overall quality of the college. The college has rectified those shortcomings as pointed out by the visit team and welcomed the Pre Visit Team (PVT) on 15-17 September, 2019, led by the coordinator Prof. Dr. Kailash Nath Pyakuryal and member Ms. Aashma Adhikari and gave some further recommendation to improve the overall quality.

After fulfilling all the gaps as recommended by PVT, KBC submitted the response report and welcomed PRT including: Prof. Dr. Ravi M. Gor (Member, Foreign Expert) ,Prof. Dr. Subarna Shakya (Member), Prof. Dr. Tara Devi Chitrakar (Member) and  Ms. Aashma Adhikari (Staff Member) led by Prof. Dr. Kailash Nath Pyakurel (Coordinator) on 15-18 December,2019. Again, KBC submitted its final response report on 29th December 2019.  In 24th February 2020, UGC decided for the Accreditation and ultimately on 6th March 2020, Kathmandu BernHardt College was declared as the First Private QAA College in Nepal.

With the recent changes in the educational sector, government of Nepal has adopted the policy of diversity in education introducing the concept of multi-university. Thus, the growing number of institutions is delivering higher education in different streams and are producing large number of graduates each year. However, limited studies have been made to explore the graduate’s position and status after completion of the study. In this context, as a QAA seeking institution, the college has tailored this tracer study report to obtain a better understanding of the employment status of the graduates as well as to identify the issues related to employment experiences, expectations and aspiration of graduates, which will be fruitful for initiating remedies in overall teaching learning environment, institutional facilities and curriculum.


2.    QAA Journey of the HEI


Date of Commencement (in BS)

LoI Submission

11th  June 2013

LoI Approval

21st  June 2013

IQAC Formation

11th January 2019

SSR Submission

26th  June 2018 (Revised)

SSR Approval

29th  March 2019

PRT Formation

21st  April 2019

Preparatory Visit of PRT

15th  -17th  September 2019

Assessment/Review Visit of PRT

15th  -18th  December 2019

QAA Cycle Completion by HEQAAC

23rd  December 2019

Submission of PRT Response Report

29th December 2019

Follow-up Visit of PRT (if any)

Not Done

HEQAAC Decision for Certification of Accreditation

9th  February 2020

UGC Decision for the Accreditation

24th  February 2020

Accreditation Awarded

6th March 2020

             3. Committees

3.1.Internal Quality Assurance Committee (IQAC)

This committee shall oversee the (a) IQAC (b) Grievances Readdress and (c) Internal Academic Audit

(a)         Internal Quality Assurance Committee (IQAC)

(b)         Grievances Readdress

(c)          Internal  Academic Audit


The objective of IQAC is to ensure quality standards in teaching, learning and evaluation patterns and related activities. IQAC shall administer various new academic activities to supplement the existing practices. Further, it shall encourage activities in the co-curricular and extra-curricular spheres. The primary objective of a college's audit committee is to provide oversight of the financial reporting process, the audit process, the company's system of internal controls and compliance with laws and regulations.

Composition of Internal Quality Assurance Committee (IQAC)

3.2.Self-Assessment Team (SAT)


The objective of the SAT is to under the guidance of the Steering Committee and IQAC, prepare and submit the Self Study Report of the College.    

   Composition of SAT committee


3.3.Technical sub-committee/EMIS 


The objectives are:

1.         To provide a timely and informed basis for planning and management of education services

2.         To establish a set of relevant indicators for data collection and utilization

3.         To contribute to a national system for collection, processing and utilization of education data

                 The Composition of Technical sub-committee/EMIS


3.4  Research Management Cell(RMC)


3.5 Other committees

Promotion and Public Relation Committee

Counseling, Feedback and Placement Committee

Scholarship Distribution Committee

Academic Enhancement and Research Committee

Recruitment and Promotion Committee

Library Management Committee

Extra/Co-curricular Activities Committee

Quality Circle Sub –committee

The Composition of Estate Management, Construction and Procurement committee

Examination Management and Result Analysis Committee

Tracer Study Committee

Student Council (Class Representative - CR)